XBMAT usa cookies para melhorar a sua experiência. Esperamos que concorde com isto, mas pode cancelar se assim preferir. RecusarAceitarPreferência de Cookies
Preferência de Cookies
Privacy Overview
This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities...
This type of cookies stores your preferences so as not to reconfigure them in a subsequent visit. To provide a concrete example, in electronic commerce they allow you to keep information about your shopping basket.
These are those that, whether processed by us or by third parties, allow us to quantify the number of visitors and statistically analyse the use made by users of our services. Thanks to this we can study the navigation through our website and improve the services we offer.
These cookies are used by programs that try to geographically locate the situation of the computer, smartphone, tablet or device that connects to the web so that, in a completely anonymous manner, content and services that are more appropriate territoriality can be offered.
These cookies are used by programs that try to geographically locate the situation of the computer, smartphone, tablet or device that connects to the web so that, in a completely anonymous manner, content and services that are more appropriate territoriality can be offered.
On some of our pages third-party cookies can be installed to manage and improve the services they offer. An example of this use are the links to social networks that allow us to share our contents. Another example refers to Google Analytics, which uses them to count how many people visit our web pages.